Travelling Books
Here are more examples of the excellent textile art in the Travelling Books - these were worked by Sheila Conchie.
Travelling Books - more beautiful work
Here are some more inspirational images of work in the Travelling Books. These pieces were worked by Liz Smith.
Lets look forward to the next journey!
Travelling Books
I was a member of the Travelling Books group with a theme of 'Green' - so many interpretations! At the moment I only have images of my own work, which are shown below. If anyone would like to send me some more digital images then they will be published.
The Travelling Books have been so successful that they will probably be taking another journey!
- the Green Man
- a geological map of Glossop district
Introducing Stitched Up to Contact magazine
Some members of the new group met up at Lymefield Garden Centre in Broadbottom to discuss a future article in Contact magazine. We wanted to publicise that we are still an active part of the Embroiderers' Guild and where better to go on a sunny July day?
It was a delight to look through the Travelling Books produced by the members, and to select images for inclusion in the article.
Glossop & District Embroiderers Guild -
Stitched Up
Stitched Up is the new name for Glossop EG - although we have a new name we shall continue to meet at Glossop Cricket and Bowling Club, but on the last Wednesday of the month, at 1pm. We are planning an exciting and stimulating programme for the coming year, to cater for all tastes and for members and visitors of all abilities.
We are a group of enthusiastic stitchers and textile artists who enjoy sharing their ideas, work and discovery of textile techniques. There will be plenty of opportunities for sharing and learning.