Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Workshop - bags and boxes

The workshop 'Bags and Boxes' was held on 10 December with eleven members attending. Our tutors Chris and Sheila were very knowledgeable and experienced and always on hand to offer support or advice when needed.


Everyone worked very hard - they had to, as we could only use the Cricket Club until 2pm so Chris and Sheila made sure everyone could make good progress with their work.

Although no-one had time to complete their projects they were starting to take on definite shape in the afternoon session:


Here are some examples of previously completed bags and boxes - I'm sure all the ones which were begun at the workshop will be just as beautiful!  Please can all those members who attended the workshop bring along their work (completed, still under way or abandoned) to our next meeting in January.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

November meeting

Our November meeting gave us a busy and interesting afternoon which started with a Jacob's Join lunch where everyone had brought a contribution to the buffet.  What a wonderful buffet it was!  

When we had all satisfied our appetites Chris Harris distributed a quiz with the questions on a stitching and needlework theme (how do you spell Pekingese??).  The deserving joint winners with the highest score were Sheila and Belinda.

Then it was off to join Belinda in a workshop to make snowmen and other small seasonal figures from empty herb and spice jars (and why not?), using a wonderful selection of 'bits'.

There were some truly fabulous creations:-


- here is the final full line-up, and every one has its own character:-

I love the sad snowman, fourth from the right, trying to hide at the back.

Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show - the White Walker

The Game of Thrones is a fantasy TV drama series.  The White Walker is one of a mythical race who kill everything in their path.  Luckily, when we spotted him at Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show he was having a day off.

The Embroiderers' Guild were contacted by the TV company to create an artwork to form a backdrop for publicity on the release of the latest series.  Design and production was led by Anthea Godfrey on behalf of the EG, who invited The Royal School of Needlework, Hand & Lock and Fine Cell Work to participate.

A fantastic piece of work.