Monday, 27 February 2017

To make the landscape sing the day

At our February meeting we listened to Sue Astles giving a fascinating talk about the life and work of her uncle, the artist Harry Ousey.  She showed a range of his art, from the representational paintings of his early days as an artist to the abstract work he produced as his style developed.

After a very sociable lunch, Liz Smith explained that we were to work together in producing a group textile work based on one of Harry's untitled paintings:

(apologies for the light reflections, unable to avoid as the painting was covered by cellophane!)

The painting was photographed and divided into sections with each section handed to a member.  Using the photo, the plan was for each of us to produce a drawn version and then use that to create a textile version.  Liz had brought along a wide selection of papers, fabric and threads for us to use in our drawn collage and stitching - compare the colours (below) to those in the painting (above).

The first step was to create a cartoon (a preparatory drawing for the final stitched work), and we all really enjoyed this part of the work:


At the end of the meeting, all the cartoons were collected to show how they are starting to represent Harry's painting:

Armed with clear instructions from Liz, we set off home to translate our cartoons into a textiles - everyone was looking forward to the re-assembly of the finished pieces.

Our next event is the Wet Felting workshop on 8 March - only one place left!  Contact Judi or Ann to grab the last place.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Chatsworth Capability Brown Exhibition

As you may know, our Secretary Liz Smith recently supervised the hanging of some of Glossop branch's Capability Brown works in the Carriage House Restaurant at Chatsworth House.  

Chatsworth posted this photograph on their Facebook timeline a couple of days ago - apparently the joiners had previously been re-hanging a couple of Rembrandt paintings so at least we know our work will be hanging straight!

The exhibition can now be seen in the Carriage House Restaurant until 10th May - why not go along to take a look?