Our meeting on 27th March was a special event to celebrate fifteen successful and eventful years since the branch was formed. Some special guests were welcomed and a warm welcome was given to 'retired' members. We were also delighted to welcome Cllrs George and Jean Wharmby who have always given their support.
A marvellous - and delicious - cake took pride of place. Many thanks to Pat for baking and to Joy for decorating the cake - something to be very proud of.

Ann was helped to cut the cake by Muriel Campbell, Chair of the Board of Trustees, who had travelled all the way from Glasgow to join us.
There was an exhibition of members' work from many of the workshops run by our branch, and pieces which won the annual Rose Bowl competition:-
And, of course, the travelling books were displayed as was the travelling book for North West Region:-
Our Chair, Ann, talked about the branch's history, its recovery from an eventful split of members and its many successes over the last five years. Our CEO, Terry Murphy, then described the work involved in extending the use of new technology and a range of developments which will make sure the Guild continues to be relevant in the 21st century. Finally, Terry presented Chris Harris, a founder member, with a gift from the branch to celebrate the huge amount of work she has done over the last fifteen years.
Then - what everyone was waiting for - afternoon tea and cake were served and very much enjoyed!
Everyone was very pleased to leave the meeting holding a generous piece of our celebration cake.